Causes We Love -

EveryCat Health Foundation!

Our Mission

EveryCat Health Foundation advances feline health by supporting groundbreaking research and education. Every cat, every day benefits from our foundation.

Our Work

EveryCat Health Foundation is the largest source of nonprofit funds for feline research grants. We award grants for cutting edge research in feline medicine. Ranging from clinically applicable proposals to long shot investigations with game-changing potential, we meticulously evaluate grants and administer funds that have a high impact on feline health and welfare. With a very low expense ratio and strict humane guidelines for all our grants, we also incorporate educational opportunities to raise awareness of our achievements.

EveryCat Health Foundation conducts at least two grant reviews annually. Our Grant Review Committee is composed of veterinarians, academia, cat fanciers, and other feline experts. Past highlights include the discovery of taurine as the major cause of dilated cardiomyopathy, the use of high protein/low carbohydrate diets as mainstay treatment of diabetes mellitus, discovery of feline blood types, development of in-clinic Feline Leukemia tests, treatment of asthma with metered dose inhalant therapy, effective antiviral therapy for FIP, any many, many other accomplishments.

Arguably, no organization has changed the way feline medicine is practiced as much as EveryCat Health Foundation.

Cat Care Center Baton Rouge Every Cat Health